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Smokey Quartz Generators

Smokey Quartz Generators



Smoky quartz is a stone of protection and grounding. It can be used to purify thoughts, ground energy, and activate healing power.

Smoky Quartz also helps with spiritual growth, emotional balance, and meditation by clearing away blockages in both the physical body and aura which allow you to move forward on your path without being blocked by old patterns or emotions. A great crystal to have as if helps bring clarity during times of confusion.


Smoky quartz is known to absorb negative energies from the environment. In fact, it has been shown that smoky quartz will actually turn black when absorbing negative energy which makes this crystal ideal for use in protection grids or around the home. Place smoky quartz terminated crystals next to your bed, desk, in your living room, bathroom, and any common areas you frequent to direct the energy through your home and create a calming flow.

Smoky Quartz is great for those who work in areas that may cause negative energies to build up such as hospitals, funeral homes, or anywhere that has a history of distress.

    $20.00 Regular Price
    $14.00Sale Price


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